pagenumber=false, % Removes page numbers from page 2 onwards when false
parskip=half, % Separates paragraphs with some whitespace, use parskip=full for more space or comment out to return to default
fromalign=right, % Aligns the from address to the right
foldmarks=true, % Prints small fold marks on the left of the page
addrfield=true % Set to false to hide the addressee section - you will then want to adjust the height of the body of the letter on the page by adding the following in this section: \makeatletter \@setplength{refvpos}{\useplength{toaddrvpos}} \makeatletter
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}% For extra glyphs (accents, etc)
\usepackage{stix}% Use the Stix font by default
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}% Explicitly load the babel package to stop an error occurring on some LaTeX installations
\renewcommand*{\raggedsignature}{\raggedright}% Stop the signature from indenting